Monday, October 15, 2012

1 day down. 37 to go.

I am thoroughly convinced that avoidance is actually denial in disguise. Today was my day 1 weigh in. After not paying any attention to what was going into my body for the last several weeks I knew this would be one of the hardest parts of starting this journey. I dreaded it. Loathed it. Avoided it. Hoping that somehow those midnight ice cream indulgences and iced vanilla lattes had no bearing on the number that would scream out at me from that slick piece of metal and glass on my bathroom floor. Oh how wrong I was for thinking any such thoughts. For pretending that by avoiding the scale that it would be kind to me at our next reunion. This was true avoidance. But I was also in denial. Not to worry. Reality's cold, hard, unforgiving hand slapped me right across the cheek and left me stunned and a little angry. Only at myself of course. For letting things get to this point. So here it is. Starting weight: 173.8 lbs. Just as a reference point, I was 175 lbs when I delivered my baby girl. And 162 lbs. when I last gave losing the baby weight a worthy effort. I am hopeful though. I know I'm going to shed the weight and not give up no matter how difficult the journey. Seeing those numbers was all I needed to make it through the day. As for cravings; there were none today. I was hungry, but not for anything in particular. I found preparing food for my family to be easy. I didn't desire it at all. This, I suspect, will change. Although if it doesn't, I will be overjoyed! However, I know there's still sugar coursing through my veins and keeping my cravings at bay for now. Once those trace amounts diminish and my body realizes there's no more coming its way, it will began its assault and demands. But for today, I made it. 1 day down. 37 to go.

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