Sunday, October 14, 2012

Change. Friend or Foe?

So, this diet journey starts tomorrow and I can't say for sure if I'm ready to sacrifice and suffer through the withdrawals that come when sugar, starch, and yeast are no longer diet staples. Finally breaking the chains of these food addictions will be so liberating!! However, the process is going to be painful. My hope is that I can stay motivated through the first 7 days. After the first 7 days, things will get easier. Until then, I will be praying and blogging daily. Something else to keep my hands and mind busy besides reaching for or thinking about what I can (and cannot) eat. So that brings me back to the question; is change our friend or our foe? depends. We fight against any change. Good or bad. But good change should be a good thing, right? Then why the fight? Why the resistance and anxiety? Is it losing something we are comfortable with in exchange for the unknown? Perhaps it's just the idea of not being in control for a period of time when we are establishing our bearings in a new place or with new people that scares us so much. Good change can be perceived as bad even over such things as bad timing. This flawed thinking, however, is where we derail ourselves so many times in life. We resist change. The very thing that will take us where we want to go, we fight against. How then do we suppose we are going to accomplish those life goals and dreams if change isn't part of the process? Every dream and every life goal consist of things that are not yet present in our lives. Therefore, reaching the destination of those dreams and goals would logically mean that we will experience change as we strive toward what we truly desire. Some would argue that change isn't always a good thing. There is bad change. That change can cause hurt and pain and make us question ourselves and others and our entire purpose in the world. There's change that sends us whirling in directions that make us feel powerless. Out of control. Desperate. It is a mistake, however, to say this type of change is bad. It is in this change that we become our best selves. It is through these changes that we grow closer to God and closer to those who truly love us. We realize strength we didn't know we had. And grow stronger still. Even in moments of weak thoughts and sorrow filled hopelessness, we are learning and growing and yes, we are changing. So we should not stand against the winds of change with our backs turned, our collars up, our arms crossed, our bodies hunched over, and our heads lowered in desperate attempts to block out any effects we might feel. When we fight change, change still wins. Only now, we are exhausted in our efforts to resist it. We are stressed and anxious because our efforts are not working. Change isn't going away. So we feel defeated. Instead, we should turn around, throw our arms wide open, raise our faces to the sky, and let the winds of change caress us. Envelop us. Surround us. Exhilirate us.And so, this is how I shall embark on this journey. With my arms open and my heart willing. Because change... is indeed our friend.


  1. I'm so proud of you for embarking in this journey. I think your absolutely beautiful and perfect just as you are but I'm proud of you for working so hard to be healthy. You're inspiring me to consider my own sugar addiction. Stay strong. Just keep swimming...

  2. Watching you go through this process is going to be exciting! I'm sure you will succeed in achieving your goal.
