Tuesday, October 16, 2012

With a yum yum here, and a yum yum there...

Maybe it's just me. But for the past 2 days I can't help but notice how often food is presented in various ways. For instance, I know what most of my facebook friends cooked for dinner and how delicious it was. Now I'm sure this used to be just information I casually scanned and kept going. However, now that the sugar cravings have kicked in and my body is becoming more and more depleted of what it's used to having, I am more aware of food than ever. I have to DVR everything now so I can avoid the food commercials. Preparing food for my family wasn't difficult today but I was pretty hungry at times. I'm finding that eating every 2 hours is best. This makes cravings less noticable and keeps the hunger pain at bay. So this will be short and not sweet. Because headaches are par for the course when one is withdrawing from sugar, I need to make sure I get ample rest. However, there is good news. Todays weight was : 172.2 lbs. Down 1.6 lbs from yesterday. I actually weighed 170.8 tonight which means I weigh less tonight than I did this morning. So progress is being made. I will forge ahead. 2 days down. 36 to go.

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