Thursday, October 18, 2012

Onward and upward.

So the cravings are finally subsiding and I feel like I've turned a corner. Getting used to the mundane list of items allowed on this diet has been more difficult than the withdrawals from sugar. However, I've adjusted and am forging on! Thoughts for today: My kids. I've had one of the best weeks with them. We've laughed and played and had picnics at the park and thoroughly enjoyed each other's company. Sometimes when we free up a part of ourselves, we have more to give to the important things in life. Funny, freeing up parts of ourselves can be so subtle, even unoticeable by someone looking in from the outside. Outwardly we appear the same. Except, there's more smiling and more laughing and more peacefulness in our energy. It's pure bliss to take joy in parenting my children. Hearing my baby girl learn new words is priceless. And her laugh when she gets tickled at her brothers and their silly antics is completely contagious. She's unlimited happiness in a 20lb package. And my baby boy, with all the love and kisses and cuddles and sweet words he gives to me everyday make life impossible not to enjoy. We share such a special bond. My big boy, even though his heart is somewhat hidden behind the vail that is Autism, is such a mama's boy. He is the funniest kid I know and I hope he never loses his ability to light up a room. I'm so blessed. My cup truly overflows with love for these little people. How, out of all the mommies in the world, was I chosen to be given these angels? I am humbled by their unconditional love and return it to them in every way I possibly can. They are such a huge part of the reason I am on this journey. I want to teach them the importance of health and taking care of their bodies. Since kids do what you do and not what you say, it's important I live out what I believe. Today's weigh in: 169.2 lbs. 4 days down. 34 to go.

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